Wednesday 13 October 2010


During this task I have learnt about continuity editing. It is a mix of camera shots and angle, edited to make the sequence seem continuous, the viewer should not notice the camera angles, if they do, then the editing or camera shots may be a little wrong. There are several key rules, you have to use a 180 degree rule, which means to keep one person must always stay on the same side of the camera shot, so if one person starts on the left side, they have to stay on the left side in the camera shots.

To take the photographs for our storyboards, we took photos using Digital SLR cameras. They were fairly simply to use, we only used picture taking and uploading the pictures to our computer, using a firewire cable. It was easy to use, much easier than I expected, I was very worried about breaking the camera somehow.

I have learnt a lot about organising filming. Mainly through our own faults, I realised we weren't very organised, we lost our script, we weren't knowledgeable about the cameras and we didn't generally plan it out very well, these were the main faults in our task.

We didn't know very much about video cameras, as is obvious by the fact we were unable to even turn off the fade in fade out feature on it. We only used the normal filming feature, on top of a tripod. We were all unsure about using it, especially after hearing it was new, we were terrified of breaking it, as with the camera.

To upload the files from the Digital Video Camera, we used Adobe OnLocation, a program which allowed us to upload each clip we needed from the tape bit by bit. Once we did that, we were able to get all the clips saved so we would be able to begin editing using Adobe Premier, which would allow us to make it all continuous.

I have learnt how to edit using the Premier software, however, due to the filming before, we weer unable to edit out the white fading without losing too much valuable footage, so we had to go with it, so we were a little taken aback, but we still continued and the final cut wasn't too bad, it wasn't brilliant, of course, but it worked. We will have a better knowledge for how to do it next time.

To get our video onto Youtube, we had to convert it's file type, which was simple enough, using Premier also when we saved it. Using blogger during this activity has helped us greatly, we were able to organise our work and put what we have done into perspective much better. We were able to present it well and it helped us well.

1 comment:

  1. Proficient evaluation that shows a reasonable understanding of the need to organise the shoot more efficiently. Proficient evaluation of the technology used with some useful images to illustrate your learning. However, you missed out evaluation of youtube and
