The music is one of the most key parts in horrors itself, and especially so in psychological horrors, in Paranormal Activity, you can often tell when something is going to happen as a light bass can very slowly be felt being built up, which builds up with tension. However, in The Blair Witch Project, there is much less non-diegetic sounds all together, as it is supposed to be a documentary from a camera, so adding music would remove that feel of it. In my film, I will look at using music for the starting sequence, because it is hugely important within the genre.
Very often, the main characters are portrayed in the opening credits, and something I noticed is that very often there is a relationship within horror films itself, and even more so in my sub-genre, it is often to show the destruction of their relationship from whatever horror comes, or, it could be a beacon of hope, but that is a much rarer occurrence, as horror is meant to scare and terrify it's audience, and if whatever they're against can destroy their relationship, and leave them alone and vulnerable, what can't it do?
Generally, the mise-en-scene is set within a fairly normal place, nowhere completely out of this world(literately or not). For example, Paranormal Activity is set within a normal persons house after they begin to believe they are being haunted. I have found no generic thoughts on the costume, other than they are often fairly normal people within these films. At the start, when everything is fine (Which is usually begins at with not just my sub-genre, but with most horrors) the lighting is usually normal, and if anything a little bright, it's not until a little way into the film when the lighting all begins to change.
There is just about always use of enigma codes, it makes us ask questions, we want to know what happened, why, what is going on? In Paranormal Activity, you instantly begin to ask these questions as the strange occurrences begin to happen, you want to know what the demon wants, and what is it going to do? Just as with The Blair Witch Project, you want to know what's after them, and at the start, what's so special about this footage, why did they disappear? It doesn't tell you this, it only gives you enough detail to get your mind going.
Within psychological horrors, there is a large contrast, in some of the films there may be very quick paced, different camera angles and much editing and cinematography, however, in others, there may be no editing whatsoever, especially if its done from an amateur point of view, so you can go in either directions, I think we are going to be going in the direction of the quick paced version which goes more into the story and less about the fear coming from the fact you are unable to see anything but what the camera sees, you can't even see everything the characters can.
There is a generally proficient level of research into the genre and similar products. There is evidence of a target audience but no evidence of researching that evidence. There is no evidence of your planning so far on your blog.