Thursday 9 December 2010

Target Audience

Our target audience will involve the age of 15-19 years old, as it is often a more youthful audience which will watch horrors, also, the actors will be of that age, so they can relate to the character, if we cast an older audience, it may have been best to try and involve an older audience. We will have both male and female, however, females will be targeted slightly more so, as they could relate to the main character, who is a female. We would go for a mainstream audience, as other audiences, such as rebels, aren't so much into horror films, which are very popular in today's culture, especially by the mainstream audience, which takes up most of the market. We would also include in the social classes of C1, C2 and D this is the audience that would most go to the cinema on regular occasions, the B and A classes may prefer somewhere a little more high class, also, C1, C2 and D has the most amount of people in the mainstream class, so forth, the most people who would wish to watch a horror, also the cinema attracts more of the typical, working and middle class members of society.

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