Friday 11 February 2011

Evaluation - Part Seven

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progression form it to the full product?
During my preliminary task, my storyboard wasn't correct to the shots, they were all different, and also, instead of having a shot list, I did it one by one on the storyboard, so all of the shot reverse shots, etc, were out of place. Whilst in my main task I didn't actually use any continuity editing, if I had, I would have known better.
We organised our time better, instead of just saying randomly "Okay, lets go and film" whenever we felt, we planned when to meet, where, etc, so even though a bundle of things went wrong, we had planned to a decent standard.
The first time I used a camera for the preliminary task, it had a fade in and out setting which we didn't know how to turn off, so we just went with it, however, during the filming of our main task, the same thing happened, and we found our way onto the settings, and turned it off, showing our learning of technical devices, we also created a shot list, so we decided when to shoot when, and what we needed for it.
During the first task, I had no idea how to use premier, or any effects it could use, I only just found out how to put everything into a straight line. However, my post production skills became much better during the Main task, I properly taught myself how to use different effects, etc, including adding in sound, unlinking sound, titles, transitions, speed and fading.
I also found that I needed a much greater awareness of the target audience, which I didn't find out till during production, as I realised I needed to change the film and filming to better suit the audience, so it would interest them more so.
The biggest thing I have learnt during this process is either the post-production skills or realisation of how much planning and preparation is needed for creating films, etc, I had no idea how much work needed to go into something like this, and I completely underestimated it, if I hadn't, I probably could have created the film to a much higher quality, and if I went back to the start, knowing this, I think I could have gotten a much better grade than I will now.

1 comment:

  1. There is proficient understanding of issues around audience, institution, technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production.
    There is basic ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.
    There is proficient understanding of their development from preliminary to full task.
    There is proficient ability to communicate.
    There is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.
