Thursday 3 February 2011

Evaluation - Part Three

What kind of institute might distribute your media product and why?
Our film would be distributed by Fox Searchlight Pictures, as a cross-over film, they often release lower budget films, even horrors, horrors such as 28 Days Later and The Hills have Eyes were distributed by Fox Searchlight. However, I will be focusing on how the film 'Juno' would be have been spread, an 'independent' film of sorts, which is mainly spread by the word of mouth. The results are obvious when shown, it's budget was $7,500,000, which is fairly small in comparison to some productions, such as Avatar. In the opening weekend, through just 7 screens, Juno brought in $413,869 on its first weekend(USA only), but by June 15 2008, it had brought in $143,429,840, showing how powerful the word of mouth can be.
If we were to spread the word of mouth of our film, we'd obviously have an official website, which would be cheap to bring up, and, like the film shifty did, we'd send e-mails within, with an interactive 'image' on it, there would be about a dozen, normal teenagers simply staring out of the screen, straight at whoever was reading the e-mail, within the middle of the images, some sort of phrase using the films title 'The Coming' within it, and a rhetorical question to bring them in to click on the link to see what the film was. The internet is a very effective tool, for one thing, it is very cheap in comparison to buying adverts on the TV, or large posters, etc, and a younger audience uses the internet a lot, so I'd get straight to my main audience, as it's a cross-over, a mainstream audience will watch it, it'll get straight to them.
At first, we'd be attempting to get our smaller cinemas, such as Arthouse and other small companies at first, before word began to spread and larger cinemas took us, we'd expect to me in vue and odeon cinemas within a few weeks, as the film became more visible to the mainstream audience.
Due to using Fox Searchlight, I would be able to use Synergy to help get word out of my film as well as the word of mouth. Due to the fact News Corp owns so many companies, I could get my film put through their media, such as adverts on their Fox Television channels, or within their magazines or newspapers, for example, the Daily Telegraph. News Corp also include holdings over websites such as, so I could get internet adverts through the website, many teenagers use this website, so I could get advertisement straight to my target audience through that.

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