Thursday 10 February 2011

Evaluation - Part Six

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
For my research and planning, I used several new technologies of the age, this included using photoshop to create a moodboard for the Psychological Horror genre, I had never used Photoshop before, so it was something I learnt, even though I'm still not all that good with it, I know the basics. I also used facebook to question certain people who I thought would be a part of my audience to see their opinions on my ideas, etc, and what they would watch, it was mostly all good. To create my animatic storyboard, which we changed at a later date, I used a  Digital SLR camera to take the pictures, then I uploaded them to my computer using Adobe Onlocation, afterwards, to create it into a moving set of images, I used Adobe Premier, we were originally going to take pictures of the actual places for the storyboard, but we couldn't, as we would have needed the main character (at the time) to get his clothes muddy, etc.
Blogging has helped me keep track of what I have done, and what kind of technology I used, and even when. It helped to track my memory so I was able to fully remember everything I have done. It also helped me to present my reserach in a clear, and very coherent way, it could have been easier to read/view, but it was still well shown, I think. I am able to find what I need to very easily.
I used youtube to upload my videos, it helped to get some feedback, due to the commenting system, after we uploaded the final piece, one person wrote which bit his favourite was, and saying how he thought it was (in his words) 'MINT'.
Before I began working on the film, I had no experience of On Location and Premier Pro at all. Now, I know all of the basics, and was able to learn plenty of things which I could use in media lessons within the future. I learnt how to fade in and out both sounds and images, which I thought was pretty cool, I had no idea you could even do that on this program (it is circled where you do it on the screen shot to the right). I also learnt, in a fair amount of detail, how to create title sequences with Premier, as during the editing process, I spent an entire lesson, simply working with it and finding out what all of the commands did, in the end, creating a very simple one, but if I wished, I probably could have created a fairly complex title sequence, if I had known how to use the fading tool on 'Video 2' I would have had titles during the actual film sequence also, also, I found out how to slow down and speed up what I had filmed on premier, which I used during our sequence, on the last time you see the main character, with the obviously scared look on her face.
To get my finished film opening on my blog, I first had to put it on my youtube account, afterwards, I had to click on "Edit HTML" and paste in the embedded code, which came up whilst I was uploading it. It was fairly simple, but actually got me stuck for a little while at first.
Technology has helped me to create a better evaluation by the use of images on the blog posts, I was going to use a video response to my video from people who watched it, but when I went to borrow a camera from the Media rooms, they were all out, so I was unable to, so I had to settle with using most images and text.
At times, the technology would crash, especially Premier and On Location. One time, I didn't save once through a lesson of editing, and lost everything I had done that lesson, I learnt that lesson the hard way, to save several times during editing. Also, the tripod on the camera wasn't brilliant, it kept moving, so we had to re-film several shots, several times.

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